Teresian Carmel
- the Resistance Carmelites
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- the Resistance Carmelites

Teresian Carmel
- the Resistance Carmelites
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- the Resistance Carmelites

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Our Life
The fiery prophets of God... zealous defenders of the one true God - champions of the Truth: enemies of false prophets outside and false apostles (II Cor. 11.13) within Its ground, the Church
(I Tim. 3.15 : Gal. 2.4) ....
With zeal have I been zealous for the
Lord God of hosts:
for the children of Israel have forsaken Thy covenant:
they have thrown down Thy altars!
III Kings 19.10
And Elias the prophet stood up, as a fire, and his word burnt like a torch
(Ecclus. 48.1).....
"How long do you halt between two sides?
if the Lord [of our Apostolic Tradition - the Lord of BOTH mercy AND JUSTICE] be God, follow him....
The continual Sacrifice - The TRUE Catholic Rite of Divine Worship (our Tridentine Mass) we have received from the Apostles of Rome, Sts. Peter and Paul: We have an altar (Heb. 13.10); the power of the Church against the world, the flesh, and the evil spirits - shall be taken away…
(Dan. 12.11)
The true Catholic Mass - the propitiatory Sacrifice on the Cross being renewed by Him Who Is PRIEST FOREVER according to the Order of Melchisedech (now offering Consecrated Bread, My Body, and Wine, My Blood) - Heb. 5.10. For as often you shall eat this Bread and drink the Chalice, you shall show the death of the Lord - not present a 'banquet-fellowship' as was the delusion of Luther and adapted to since Vatican II - until He comes (I Cor. 11.26).
.... but if Baal, then follow him"
(III K. 18.21).
… and they shall place there… THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION standing in the Holy Place (Dan. 11.31; Mt. 24.15) - a "NEW" rite of service FOR A "NEW" [g]od : the 'ecumenical' ONE-WORLD idol of 'all-mercy and compassion' whom adherents of false creeds could everywhere be at home with.
The “New” rite of ‘Mass’ (setting, vestments, and formulae of prayers) patterned after a Protestant ‘banquet-fellowship’ (right pic - moray.anglican.org)
Thou shall see greater abominations, men… having their backs toward… the Lord (Ezech. 8.15,16). When you shall see the abomination… in the Holy Place… FLEE! (Mt. 24.15,16).
... and guardians of the purity of the Sacred Rite of Divine Worship - With the same ceremonies
you shall offer... Sacrifice for A MOST SWEET odour to the Lord (Num. 29.6)
Missal and Office
proper to the
Discalced Carmelites
according to the
Apostolic Constitution
"Divino Afflatu"
of Pope St. Pius X
The Sacred Tridentine Rite of the Mass - the pre-1950 'reform' Missal - is observed to exclude from what ought be most pleasing Divine service by Our Lord (the UNSPOTTED Priest and Victim) elements put in place by the hands of infiltrated 'liberal Modernist' revolutionaries - false brethren unawares brought in (Gal. 2.4) - working their gradual assault (so-called liturgical 'reforms' of 1950s and 1960s) on the very life of the Church. In Me [the enemy] has not anything (Jn. 14.30).
Perpetual Prohibition on a "New" 'Missal'
by an "Ex Cathedra" ("from the Chair of Him Who Is The Truth" - and therefore irreversible) Decree
Pope St. Pius V
"Quo primum..."
14th July 1570
"WE specifically command... and WE order... IN VIRTUE OF HOLY OBEDIENCE to chant or to read the Mass according to the rite and manner and norm herewith laid down by Us... Furthermore, by these presents [this law], IN VIRTUE OF OUR APOSTOLIC AUTHORITY, We grant and concede in perpetuity that, for the chanting or reading of the Mass IN ANY CHURCH WHATSOEVER, THIS MISSAL is hereafter TO BE FOLLOWED ABSOLUTELY... NOW AND FOREVER, without any scruple of conscience or fear of incurring any penalty, judgment, or censure, and may freely and lawfully be used. Nor are superiors, administrators, canons, chaplains, and other secular priests, or religious, of whatever title designated, obliged to celebrate the Mass otherwise than as enjoined by Us. We likewise declare and ordain . . . that this present document cannot be revoked or modified, but remain always valid and retain its full force ... Therefore, no one whosoever is permitted to alter this notice of Our permission, statute, ordinance, command, precept, grant, indult, declaration, will, decree, and prohibition. He should know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul."
"WE...," engages not his own personal authority but the authority of Our Lord who says: He who hears you hears Me (Lk. 10.16), or speaking in unison with his predecessors as to establish the one consistent voice and will of God. The Pachapapa (Antipope Bergoglio) could only say with trickery: "I order..."
"... Specifically command... order...," he does not "wish" (Pope Paul VI in instituting Bugnini's 'Mass'), does not "hope" (Pope Benedict XVI), and does not suggest nor appeal.
"In virtue of holy obedience...," lacking in the 'Missale Romanum' of Paul VI and the "motu proprio" of Pope Benedict XVI.
"In virtue of OUR Apostolic Authority...," the post-Conciliar Popes replaced this with the personal "My."
"... In ANY CHURCH whatsoever, This Missal is... to be followed absolutely... NOW AND FOREVER," Paul VI's "Missale Romanum", by which he merely "wishe[d]" or "desired" the institution of Bugnini's 'Mass' is therefore legally "null and void." Pope Benedict XVI lyingly altered the injuction, to please also the 'liberal-Modernists', making the Mass a sort of a 'fringe' Rite - outside ("extra-") the norm: a non-normal celebration: not your normal source of 'sanity and sanctity'.
"... He will incur the wrath of Almighty God...," thereby categorically binding the Universal Church; not invoked by Paul VI for his 'banquet-fellowship' designed by the infiltrated Freemason, Annibale Bugnini, and his Protestant 'consultants'. Those who insist on and use the "New" (1969) 'Missal' of Bugnini and his Protestant 'consultants' are condemned!
If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great matter if we reap your carnal things? (I Cor. 9.11) Consider making a generous return for the light of salvation the "God of truth" has shed on you here. Continue with "Alms for the Order of the Virgin".
See the seal of divine pleasure on this our traditional "allegiance to Jesus Christ" (Regula)
- the "Divine Favor in Our Midst".